At A Time When Many Friends Of The League Of
Nations are inclined to be despondent, it is satisfactory to observe matters in which the League is functioning with greater success than ever. The Permanent Mandates Commission......
* * There Has Been Much Misunderstanding About The 'cekly
figures of unemployment. These have been falling persistently for several months, and while some persons have derived much satisfaction from the apparent im- provement others......
The Moroccan Correspondent Of The Times Says Than There Is
calm throughout the Protectorate, but he adds that he cannot find any equivalent of the optimism which is expressed in Paris and Madrid. Confidence, he says, has not withstood......
It Seems Likely That The War In Morocco Will Break
out again within a few days. We fancy that the prospects of peace would be better if Spain were in a more accom- modating mood. . The unwillingness to get out of an expensive......
The Attack Upon Peking By The Combined Forcei' Of Wu
Pei-fu and Chang Tso-lin has not yet' developed: The Time,s correspondent says that skirmishing hai occurred at several points within twenty miles of Peking, and he thinks that......
* * The Commission Tells Again The Familiar Story Of
how the Syrian people were provoked by rapid and unnecessary changes of policy. Since 1919 there have been five High Commissioners, and each bad strong views about what ought to......
The Finance Committee Of The French, Chamber Title...
proposals of M. Raoul Peret, the Minister of Finance. The Chamber is debating these proposals when we' go to press. Before the debate M. Peret warned the Finance Committee that......
Mr. D. Herbert Was The First Speaker For The Unionist
malcontents. He described the Bill as unpractical, politically, financially and technically. An immense and only theoretically limited credit was being engaged at the worst......
Unfortunately The Figures Of Poor Law Relief And The Effect
of the coal subsidy must not be forgotten ; both of them are strictly relevant to the problem. We do not know exactly what the effect of the subsidy has been on unemployment in......