The Honourable Order Of Smoke- Laden Towns
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Writers in the Spectator on atmospheric impurities seem to have acquired the habit of slandering Sheffield when they desire to emphasize a......
Municipal Coal Trading [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
Nationalization has been strongly condemned by the Coal Commissioners in their Report, yet they have recommended that legislation should be passed to give effect to municipal......
The Poetry Of Nonsense [to The Editor Of The Sencramon.]
Sin,-With reference to Mr. Thomas Carr's letter, may I point out that both Mr. Carr and M. Emile Cammaerts have incorrectly quoted W. S. Gilbert's blank verse Limerick ? A......
On Hating America [to The Editor Of The Spi.crwroal Sin,-may
I enter a protest against the suggestion that better relations between the Americans and ourselves will be fur- thered by the publication of " frank opinions as to why we now......
The Professional Classes And County Education [to The...
the SPECTATOR.] SIR, ---I entirely agree with Mr. F. J. Pape, who asks why professional men boycott county education for their children. My income (earned) from various sources......