3 APRIL 1926, page 19

The Oxford University Press Send Us A Beautiful Collotype...

of Letters from William Blake to Thomas Butts. The price is 25s. To the growing army of Blake lovers - this will be - a treasured volume. A letter from Butts to Blake has never......

This Week's Books

To the Golden Writing Room (thus was named the counting house of the ruggers at Augsberg) came letters from all the great cities of Europe retailing the latest news of wars,......

Dr. Sven Hedin Has Published A Large Five-hundred Page Book

with 168 illustrations by himself. In My Life as an Explorer (Cassell, 25s.) we find wild yaks charging, lamas devil-dancing, hyenas feasting, nomads, robbers, wolves. This......

" Oh, We'm Come Up From Somerset,

Where the cider apples grow " is a chorus only fourteen years old, but it has travelled the length and breadth of the British Empire. The reminiscences of its author, Mr. Fred......

Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond Has Revised And Enlarged A New

edition of her Old Gardens of Italy (John Lane. 7s. 6d.). There is much curious and delightful information here. Alas that the Doria gardens at Genoa are now docks and an hotel,......

Report On The Competition

The Editor offered a prize of £5 for a quotation applicable lo the University Boat Race. [F the prize were awarded for any quotation from Virgil or Homer, there would scarcely......