3 APRIL 1926, page 17

Gas [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Si11,-1n Your Issue

of March 9th, in an article headed " Coal- Oil and Smoke," I see there is no reference made to the by, product item, Gas. Under the principles we are working on we can average......

The R.a.f. : And Skilled 'labour [to The Editor Of

the SPEcr.vron.] Sin,—On page 519 Mr. Buchan in dealing with liberties of the air points out that the young man on retiring from the R.A.F. does so more or less equipped for......

Wages. _and: Contentment [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sra,—I've just come home from attending the second annual meeting of the Life Subscribers to the Spectator with the Chairman of the Company and the. Editor .of the paper and his......


FESTIVAL IN TUSCANY To D. T. A Low stream slept by a winding track On a poplar-bordered plain, And here at dusk our way was barred At a forking in the lane. Smoking and jostling......

. Specimen Days [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,-...

froth the " Gasfitter " anciihe " Waggoner" are interesting, but in each of them allowance must be made -for artistic verisimilitude. The former - cheerfully alludes to his......