3 APRIL 1926, page 24


ADVENTURE OR NOTHING IT was a fine vehicle for his genius that Mr. Masefleld discovered when he wrote Sard Harker. Construction, plot, verisimilitude and all the sober virtues......

Frederick Lonton. By W. D. Croft. (longman.s And Co. 7s.

6d.)-Frederick Lenten is a sentimental novel of a good deal of charm. It begins like a detective story-with a sudden- death: An artist is wandering idly down a street in......

Books Recommended

LITERATURE AND ART :-Swinburne. By Harold Nicolson. (Macmillan. 5i.)-The Note Books of Samuel Butler. Vol. 20. (Jonathan Cape. 21s.)-The Grasmere Words- worth. (Selwyn and......