4 JUNE 1921, Page 1

The German Government on Monday transmitted to the Reparation Commission

Treasury bills of the value of £42,000,000, completing the payment of £50,000,000 which Germany had agreed to make before May 31st. It is satis- factory to know that Germany has begun at last to honour her obligations. On the other hand, Germany has not yet dis- armed. The large and well-equipped army maintained in Bavaria under the name of " Einwohnerwehr " or Citizens' Force is still in being. The Bavarian Premier, Herr von Kahr, said on Tuesday that he had asked the Federal Government once more to explain to the Allies that the " Einwohnerwehr " was not an army, and that it must be retained for defence against the Bolsheviks. The Allies have repeatedly rejected this wholly insincere plea and will reject it again. Unless Bavaria disarms quickly, Germany must be held responsible for a grave breach of the Treaty and of the supplementary terms which she accepted last month.