4 JUNE 1921, page 1

M. Briand Gained A Great Parliamentary Success In The Long

debate over Reparation and the Upper Silesian question which ended in the French Chamber on Thursday, May 28th. He answered all his critics and received the approval of the......

News Of The Week.

T HE trials of German war criminals at Leipzig have been going on day by day. On Thursday, May 26th, the German corporal Heinen was found guilty on fifteen counts of mal-......

The First General Election In Ulster Resulted In A Decisive

victory for the Protestant Unionists, who returned 40 members out of 52. The Nationalists returned six members, and the Sinn Feiners six. The elections were held under......

The Fighting In Upper Silesia Between The Poles And The

Germane has ceased, except at ICattowitz. The German and Polish Governments appear to have closed their frontiers, in obedience to Allied warnings. Six battalions of British......

When A Witness For The Defence Declared That The British

prisoners were "unwilling to wash," the president remarked that that was an extraordinary statement, as everybody knew that the English were "very fond of baths." Captain Muller......

The German Government On Monday Transmitted To The...

Treasury bills of the value of £42,000,000, completing the payment of £50,000,000 which Germany had agreed to make before May 31st. It is satis- factory to know that Germany has......

We Ask Our Readers To Reflect How Much, After All,

has been accomplished. Though the sentences are light, Germany has indeed travelled a long way from her old militarism when the presiding judge of a German court can use such......

To Our Readers.

Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly should become yearly subscribers. The yearly subscription, including Postage to any address......