4 JUNE 1921, page 20

Readable Novels.—three Loving Ladies. By The Hon. Mrs....

9s. net.)—In this novel we see Mrs. Dowdall's former heroine Susie as a middle-aged woman with daughters. The book is exceedingly readable and is enlivened by this author's......

' Ilie World Of Sound.* In The World Of Sound Sir

William Bragg has written one of the most attractive, popular science manuals that have appeared for a very long time. It is delightfully written, quite short, and, though the......


THE DEATH OF SOCIETY.f Miss HoMER Wilsorr's book The Death of Society is one whose faacination it is impossible to convey in an abstract. Couched in few sentences, its theme may......


A HUNDRED years have passed since the death of Crome, and during this time the art of English landscape painting has changed very greatly. It flamed up in the great......