4 JUNE 1921, page 14


A SUNRISE. Immix in the East : not, as on common days, A gradual flush of orange, pink, or gold ; But surge on crimson surge in the night skies, A tidal-wave of wild, oncoming......

A Resolute Chaffinch. [to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

SIR,—While clearing some laurels on May 12th I found I had unwittingly cut out a stem on which was a chaffinch's nest with four eggs. Wishing to show my children the nest, I......

Napoleon On Dante. [to The Editor Or The "spectator.")

Sta,—In turning over the pages of a little collection of the Maximes et Pensees of Napoleon I happened upon an appre- ciation of Dante, and as these two names are in the......

The Theatre.

STAGE SETTINGS AND COSTUMal. A GOOD deal of interest has been aroused by the Architectural Association's Exhibition at Bedford Square of designs for stage settings and stage......

An Essay Society.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Some years ago you kindly allowed me to make known, by a letter in the Spectator, that an essay society (founded in 1885) had a few......

Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor muet not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......