4 JUNE 1921, Page 14



SIR,—Some years ago you kindly allowed me to make known, by a letter in the Spectator, that an essay society (founded in 1885) had a few vacancies for members. To that letter we had more than a hundred replies, and after we had admitted up to our full number, it was arranged by some of the correspondents to form among themselves another similar society. During the war we suspended our proceedings, but it is now proposed to start again. Essays are contributed periodically on subjects chosen by the members, and circulated by post for criticism. I enclose a copy of the rules for your inspection, and should be glad to send a copy to any of your readers who may be interested. It might be well to add that only members within the postal system of the British Isles are eligible. The previous letter in your paper brought replies from countries abroad, Including the United States.—I am, Sir, &c.,

(Masi.) MARIE 0 HALL (Hon. See. &KB.).

107 Palewell Park, East Sheen, S .W . 14.