4 JUNE 1921, page 3

All The Same, There Is Much To Be Said For

trying some of the younger men now that the old hands have failed. Youth is always served by a favourable moml atmosphere, and that atmosphere is created now that the younger......

The First Test Match Against The Australian Cricketers At...

Bridge was disastrous for England. The Australians won by ten wickets. Although England unquestionably had some bad luck, there is no doubt whatever that the better side won. We......

It Is Said That M Re People Went To Epsom

on Derby Day than ever before. Not knowing by what means such crowds are measured, we cannot say whether the statement is true. But whether it be actually true or only......

Lord Lee Of Farcham Has Conferred Another Benefit Upon The

nation by the munificent gift of about 1,300 acres of farms and woodland in the neighbourhood of Chequers. All the conditions of the gift are handsome. The farms are to be......

The Financial Resolutions Required For The Bill For...

"key industries" were hotly debated in the House of Commons on Tuesday. Major Barnes's amendment limiting the duration of the Bffi to three years instead of five was rejected by......

The New Australian Navigation Act, It Is Announced, Will...

into force on July 1st. This Act, we fear, will have a serious effect both on British shipping in the Australian trade and also on the smaller Australian ports. For its purpose......

Two Danish Engineers, Mr. Johnsen And Mr. Rahbek,...

a lecture in London last week, the application of a principle In electricity which may have important consequences. A weak current applied to two solid substances, the one a......

Lord Montagu Of Beaulieu In The House Of Lords On

Tuesday asked for information about the North-West frontier, which is still disturbed. He urged the Government to improve the roads and to extend the railways, so that by the......

When The Debate Was Resumed On Monday, The Attorney- General

assured the House that - the power of the Ministry of Transport to interfere with the railway companies was strictly limited, and that the shareholders would be protected......

Mr. Chamberlain In The House Of Commons On Wednesday...

the proposal to exempt all members from the payment of Income Tax on their salaries, recommending them individually to seek relief in respect of expenses incurred in the......

Bank Rate, 6iper Cent., Changed From 7 Per Cent. Apr.28,

1921; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 880' Thursday week, 881; a year ago, 861.......