4 JUNE 1921, page 11

[to The Editor Or Thx "spectator."]

Si:IL—The ideals of trade unionism, Socialism, and probably of other " lime" may be very splendid as portrayed by their visionary enthusiasts, but from the practical experience......

The Church And Sinn Fein.

[TID THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—A so-called "Church meeting" was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, on May 25th. The object of the meeting, as set forth on bills......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Flut,—i Have Only Just

seen your excellent article of May 14th on "A League of Good Citizens." All good citizens must necessarily sympathize with the principles you enunciate, but that, unfortunately,......

[to Thz Editor Op The "spectator."]

Ssa,—No League of Good Citizens can be permanently effective In its promotion of goodwill amongst men unless it is cosmo- politan in character. In a word, it must freely embrace......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator2] Sir,-if I May

be permitted to say so, I think you are tackling the question of a league of public safety in quite the right fashion, first putting forward the skeleton of the idea, and then......