The American Oxonian, The Organ Of The American Rhodes...
Association, records in its .April number (Concord, New Hampshire : W. W. Thayer, 10s. a year) the resignation of the first editor, Mr. Aydelotte, and the appointment as his......
The Basque Country. Painted By Rornilly Fedden. Described...
Fedden. (A. and C. Bleak. 20s.)--Mr8. Fedden has written a pleasant book mainly about the French Basques, and the attractions of her book are inoreased by her husband's spirited......
Scapa And A Camera. By C. W. Burrows. (country Life.
25s. net.)—This is a most attractive and interesting collection of photographs, illustrating the life and work of the Grand Fleet during its long stay at Scapa Flow. The author,......
The Round Table For June (macmillan, 58. Net.) Deals Ably
and more or less dispassionately with the problems of the time —Ireland, the Imperial Conference, America and the League, Reparation from Germany, industrial unrest at home, and......
Studies In Human Nature. By J. B. Baillie. (bell. 15s.
net..)— Professor Baillie, unlike some other philosophers, writes well and clearly, and does not take too exalted a view of his own subject. "Philosophy is not the only form of......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Holies in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent reviete.1 THE JuNE MAGAZINES.—The Nineteenth Century gives promin- ence to an able article on "Our Foreign......
The Problem Of Upper Silesia. Edited By Sidney Osborne. (g.
Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Osborne himself is an ardent supporter of Germany's claim to the whole of Upper Silesia, and gives much space to a statement of the German case by......
We Have Received A Copy Of The Rhodes Lecture Delivered
by Mr. D. Campbell Lee, an American and also an English barrister, at University College on May 23rd, on The Mandate for Meso- potamia and the Principle of Trusteeship in......