The diplomatic correspondence growing out of the I'm Alone affair is seen here to illustrate in a remarkable way the develop. ment of Dominion status into absolute sovereign equality. This correspondence reveals Canada speaking unmistakably in her -own right and without 'the slightest hint of anything but complete independence and . equality with the Mother Country. American observers see both in the tone of the Canadian Notes, which is that of impeccable elder statesman- ship, and in their substance, evidence which we have not felt so forcibly on any previous occasion Of the bet that the Dominions are' growing up "—orhave grown up—with a vengeance. In the Meantime Mr. Hoover is anxious to clear up other problems outstanding between the Unitad States and Canada, notably the division of cleared channels in radio broadcasting, the St. Lawrence waterway negotiations, and the tariff on store cattle. With this- aim he in taking steps to rejuvenate the American representation in the International Joint Commission, the body empowered by the Treaty of 1909 to consider all pending subjects of controversy between the two countries.
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