The United States And Canada.
The diplomatic correspondence growing out of the I'm Alone affair is seen here to illustrate in a remarkable way the develop. ment of Dominion status into absolute sovereign......
America And The World Community.
Mr. Charles Evans Hughes' recent address to the American Society of International Law was a telling contribution to the case for fhe entry, of the United States into the World......
The Furniture-collecting Craze.
The mania for the collection of early American furniture reached a high point in the sale by auction on Saturday of the famous Van Pelt Chippendale carved mahogany " High- boy "......
American Notes Of The Week
(By Cable) [The SPECTATOR hopes to publish week by week a survey of flews and opinion in America, cabled from New York by our American correspondent.] THE DISARMAMENT......
The United States And Russia.
Secretary of State Stimson chose his language .care- fully when, in answer to a letter from the chief American propagandist against the recognition of Soviet Russia he stated......
Professor Einstein And Religion.
Professor Albert Einstein has cabled an avowal of his religious faith in response to a question from a New York Rabbi anxious to defend Einstein against the recent attack on him......
Men And Machines.
The telephone, telegraph and typestriter and all our time-saving, distance-killing devices are demanding their price of us, it appears, as Samuel Butler said they would. Still,......