The German Minorities • [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sur,—In a few more weeks the Council of the League of Nations „will. meet . to consider the Report which the Committee of Three have been called upon to draft on the Grievances......
Railway Rates And Methods [to The Editqr.or The...
made by-Mr. E. R.43. Roberts in a. letter in your journal, April -20th, - are inaccurate, unfair, and mis- leading. For example, he says that " many shillings a ton would be......
Mrs. Flora Annie Steel
[To the Editor of the . SPECTATOR.] SIR,—AS one who writes from intimate knowledge of the novelist Flora Annie Steel, may I draw your attention to the fact that she valued......
" Slaves Of The Gods " [to The Editor Of
the SPECTATOR.] Srrt,—Your correspondent's criticism of my review of Miss Mayo's book, which you published last week, .endeayoured to make my opinion ridiculous by taking two......