4 MAY 1929, page 2

This Statement Is Followed By An Ambiguous Remark About The

nationalization of the mines A Labour majority would nationalize the mines and minerals as the only condition for satisfactory working." What does this mean ? Labour is......

The Colonial Development Scheme In The House Of . Commons On

Tuesday Mr. Amery explained at length the character of the proposed deve- lopment in the Colonies. The Opposition were inclined at first to receive his remarks ironically, but......

As For Housing, A Return To The Policy Of 1924

is promised in the Labour Programme, plus a complete scheme of slum clearance. Farmers are offered security of tenure, fair rents, capital - and credit assistance, organized......

Election Moves In South Africa Were It Not For Our

own excitements Englishmen would be taking much more interest in the South African election campaign, which is full swing. General Hertzog has burnt his boats on the question of......

The Labour Manifesto The Spirit Of The Labour Manifesto Is

expressed, with the emphasis of special type, in three sentences The Labour Party is neither Bolshevik nor Communist. It is opposed to force, revolution, and confiscation as......

Speaking At Milford Haven Last Saturday, Mr. Lloyd George...

challenged Mr. Baldwin to say whether, in the event of a stalemate at the General Election, he would " put Labour into office." Mr. Baldwin may remain, and no doubt does remain,......

Mr. Baldwin Went On To Say That The Only Final

cure was the improvement of trade, and this was being helped by Rationalization. Unfortunately Rationalization involved a certain temporary` displacement of labour, though it......