News Of The Week The Political Programmes T He Programmes Of
the three political parties are now, in Substance, before the electors. The electoral addresses of the leaders may fill in small gaps, but the range and sense of the policies......
The Prime Minister's Speech At Bristol Mr. Baldwin Gave...
all his attention to unemployment. He spoke of the dark shadow which rested on about 10 per cent. of the people in varying degrees, but begged his audience not to forget the 90......
And The Nation As Well As Upon The Present - Small
digest of it. Voters will do well, therefore, to remember that he is - trying to accredit himself to the - nation with two different documents in his hand. If the occasion......
Mr. Baldwin Went On To Say That The Only Final
cure was the improvement of trade, and this was being helped by Rationalization. Unfortunately Rationalization involved a certain temporary` displacement of labour, though it......
Editoria.l And .publishing Offices : 99 Glower Street,...
Subscription to the SpEcrwron costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SpEcTATox is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......
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