It .is. Not Perhaps Altogether Satisfactory That It...
better to produce. flowers than food. Daffodils are a safer crop than potatoes, and much more valuable than corn. or beet.. Fruit takes a . middle place. In .Cambridgeshire , —......
Flower Thieves.
The pillagers - our wild flowers have been admirably pilloried by the 3ishop of Gloucester in a letter to the Times ;. and strong prohibitive action is likely to result. The......
Country. Life .
A Gm TO' RURAL ENGLAND. • It is to-be-hoped that - the thoughtful and generous offer made by-Mr. Penrose to the Council for the Preservation of , Rural England will be......
Cornish Bulbs.
In regard to English bulbs, a special feature in some seed catalogues was made a year ago of Lincolnshire bulbs, and is likely to be made next of Cornish bulbs, especially......
Curiosities Of Tile Drought.
The infltiencei of the long drought and frost in conjunction are observable in a great number '45f Minor and unexpected details. 'It is a wonder: how plants have 'maintained'......
Going Of All The Small-holding Adventures In England, Or,...
Britain, I saw and heard, in a familiar district, many things new to me. The colony of small holders is to be increased considerably by the taking in of another large farm ; and......
Some Parts Of The District Are As Well Worth A
visit as 'Haarlem itself. Both small and big farmers grow daffodils, narcissi, and tulips, and the Dutch themselves have taken a hand, both personally and by their capital, just......
Small. Thanks To An Incomparable Seeding Season, With...
a model of what a seed bed should be, the surface of the farms has a polish rarely possible in England. The potatoes are in the ground, ridged with the regularity of the born......