4 MAY 1929, Page 17

Country. Life .

A Gm TO' RURAL ENGLAND. • It is to-be-hoped that-the thoughtful and generous offer made by-Mr. Penrose to the Council for the Preservation of, Rural England will be appreciated—and' challenged. This' young American, living in Somerset, has given 11,000 outright, and promised up .to £10,000 more -in -proportion to' other help offered- within the next two- months. With this fund the Council, whose office at 17 Marlborough Street is a real fighting headquarters hi the campaign for preservation and conservation, would be able even now to save "this England " from the innumerable defacements that have followed in the wake of the motor car. Every local council in England would be stimulated and informed in the work of securing the pernianence of its own local charms. Every country dweller and every urban emigrant is concerned. -