4 MAY 1929, page 43
Rogues And Worse
The Mysterious Baronne de Feucheres. By Louis And r e . (Hutchinson. 12s. 6d.) -Detective and Secret Service Days. By E. T. Woodhall. Tax collective price of the five volumes......
• Then Prevalent Custom Of Fosterage A Prospeirous...
Algernon Cecil's " The Catholic Church and Literature " is passed his infancy, till he died, as ' Greville said, the most the best of the essays, and Mr. Chesterton's, of......
History And. -biograpny :—england And The New Gold...
W. A. , Brown. (P. S. King and Son. 158:)—Survivals and New Arrivals. By Hilaire Bello° (Sheed - and Ward: 7i. 6d.)---A History of Christian in China. By Kenneth Scott......