4 MAY 1929, Page 17

going of all the small-holding adventures in England, or, indeed,

Britain, I saw and heard, in a familiar district, many things new to me. The colony of small holders is to be increased considerably by the taking in of another large farm ; and the addition is some evidence that this very Scandinavian district is likely to develop further along Scandinavian'lines. The men and women in these attractive homesteads have had a hard time, as have most farmers, big or little ; but any empty holding attracts a number of applicants ; and their ambitions are much more than a pious aspiration. The small man grows little corn of any sort ; and the corn growers have been hit much the hardest. Though rents are very high in comparison with many farms (as the proportion of buildings necessitates), skill and hard work have earned a certain reward, and hold out even at the worst a promise of independence.