4 MAY 1929, Page 44

We cannot agree with the publishers_ of Contract Bridge Standards,

by Wilbur C. Whitehead (Victor Gollanez, 3s. 6d.), that this is a book for the beginner, and doubt whether the system which it advocates will, at any rate in this country, meet with the approval of even experienced players. It is solely concerned with the accurate evaluation of every card. It 'is scientific, no doubt, thoiigh we question whether, philosophically, a quick trick can have a fractional value ; but does the average amateur (and most of us are amateurs) care to dehumanize bridge to this extent ? If, however, he can bring himself to face this relentless array of statistics acid analyses, he will be rewarded by. several obiter dicta which he will do well to keep in mind. As the book is apparently intended for English readers, the tentative code published by the Portland Club might with advantage have been added. The printing is of poor quality. - -