The annual report of the Eagle, Star and British Dominions
Insurance Company is in most respects a good one, though there has been another large transfer to the Marine Fund. In spite of that transfer, however, the Marine Fund still stands at a figure nearly £70,000 above the previous year, the present total being £627,586. In the Fire Account, the profit of £82,028 compared with £80,174, while the Accident Account provided £41,639 against £12,348 ; General Insurance 148,868 against £14,264, and Employers' Liability (Home) £3,698 against 23,667. Excepting Employers' Liability Account, these are all underwriting profits, all interest being credited direct to Profit and Loss, the amount being £137,069 against £133,043. The Profit and Loss Account is augmented on this occasion by the share of Star Fund Quinquennial Life Profit amounting to £148,393. A sum of £120,000 is applied in writing off the cost of Life businesses acquired, while 125,000 is added to Fire Fund Reserve, and £50,000 to the General Reserve, as well as £100,000 to the Marine Fund, already referred to. The dividend is maintained at 20 per cent. on the Ordinary shares.
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