4 OCTOBER 1902, Page 12


Broadland Sport. Written and Illustrated by Nicholas Everitt. (R. A. Everett and Co. 12s. 6d.)—Mr. Everitt's book contains a great deal of information on the sport to be got among the water- ways and lagoons of the Eastern Counties, which are generally spoken of as the Norfolk Broads. In this very attractive part of East Anglia about two hundred miles of waterway and four thousand acres of lagoons or inland waters are open to the . yachtsman. Wherries, with comfortable, and racing yachts, with uncomfortable, accommodation may be hired at Norwich, Wr.,x- • ham, and other places at the most reasonable charges. The . shooting and the fishing on the Broads are for the most part open to every one. If the wildfowling is not what it was, great catches of perch, bream, and, in the winter, pike may . still be made. Portions of Mr. Everitt's book have already appeared in the Field and similar newspapers, and now that they are put together want of order and some repetition

• rather spoil the book as a whole. In some five-and-twenty chapters he discourses on pike and eel fishing; yachts and yacht racing from 1800 to 1900; shore shooting and punt gunning ; the use of decoys and duck shooting. Other chapters • deal with various districts of the Broads, or describe particular expeditions. There is a great deal in the book that is useful ,and interesting to any one who is planning an excursion, and . on the coarse fishing and wildfowling the author writes with • knowledge gained by experience. But the reader must not . expect a book of any literary merit. The style is inclined to alternate between the high-flown and the facetious of the local guide-book. If scientific names are used, they should ' be used

• correctly, and we may point out that the bearded tit is not now called by naturalists Calamophilus biannicus, nor is the Latin name of the dabchick Mergus minor. Some persons may also think that there are too many references to frequent and liberal potations from the beer-jar and the whisky-bottle.