[to The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sir, — Whilst Walking...
Devonshire lane last Saturday I overheard the following fragment of conversation between two respectable-looking men of the artisan class, who were on their way with spade and......
Rifle Clubs.
(To viz EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR: 4 1 Sin,—If the rifle club movement serves no other purpose, it may at least show how shooting can be learnt at the minimum cost in ammunition,......
The Value Of The Voluntary Schools.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SEE,—I notice that you state in the Spectator of Septem- ber 27th that the Government, if it applied compulsory purchase to the voluntary......
The Sayings Of Children
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPETAToa."1 Sin,—The child's comment on "the gentleman in the sailor- hat" painted on a church window, as recorded by your correspondent in the Spectator......
The Country And The Education Bill. [to The Editor Of
THE esescraroa."1 Sin,—The opinion expressed by so earnest a Wesleyan minister as Mr. Burrows in the Spectator of September 20th, that the object of the Education Bill is to......