4 OCTOBER 1902, page 13

A Medley Book.

A Medley Book. By George Frost. (Longmans and Co. 3s. 64.) —This little volume of essays and stories has many of the characteristics of the previous work from the same pen,......

A New Life Of Schiller.

The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller. By Calvin Thomas. (G. Bell and Sons. 15s.)—It can hardly be said that there is at present any very special interest in Schiller ; there......

Charles Dickens.

Charles Dickens : his Life, Writings, and Personality. By Frederic A. Kitten. (T. C. and E. C. Jack. • much has been written about Charles Dickens that it might well have seemed......

• Great Religions Of The World.

Great Rettig ions of the World. By Various Writers. (Harper and Brothers. Is. 6d.)—This book is a skilful concession to the , Populaifletnand for treatises dealing with all......

The Martyred Missionary Of New Guinea.

James Chalmers : his Autobiography and Letters. By Richard -Lovett. (R.T.S. '75. 6d.)—This book is too long ; other- wise it may be said to be very nearly a model work of the......

Roses For English Gardens.

Roses for English Gardens. By Gertrude Jekyll and E. MawleY. (The Country Life Library. 12s. 6d. net.)—It is perhaps churlish to complain of having too much of a good thing, but......