4 OCTOBER 1902, page 18

The Speech Of The Viceroy Of India On September 4th

about the coming Durbar at Delhi has now reached England in extenso. It does not differ essentially from the telegraphic report which we quoted three weeks since, but Lord......

The Coal Strikes In Pennsylvania Are Greatly Disturbing...

States, and their effect is even felt in this country. They have now lasted for months, and they have driven up the price of coal, as sold by the pound to the poor of New York,......

The Times Of Wednesday Publishes A Remarkable Account Of The

state of affairs in Hyderabad, the most powerful of all Indian States, with a territory almost as large as Great Britain, ten millions of people, and a revenue of forty millions......

There Is, We Fear, Trouble Coming, Or Come, In The

Balkans. The Bulgarians have been holding a grand celebration of the struggle of 1877 in the Shipka Pass, and the revolutionary leaders of Macedonia have thought the occasion a......

The Vienna Correspondent Of The Times Evidently Regards...

of Pan-Germanism in Hungary as of great political importance. He says that several Germans within the kingdom have recently been punished for sedition, and the newspapers of......

Emile Zola, The Well-known Novelist, Died In Paris On Sep-

tember 29th. He was asphyxiated in his own bedroom by fumes from a charcoal fire lighted under an imperfect chimney. There was the usual talk of suicide, but it seems clear from......

We Have Dealt Elsewhere With That Portion Of Sir ?echo!

Hicks Beach's speech made at Bristol on Monday which was con- cerned with the War Office, and will only say here that, consider- ing its source, it demands the most serious......

The Entire Empire Of Austria Is Greatly Interested In The

birth of a son to the Princess Hohenberg, who as Countess Chotek married the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the ultimate heir of the throne. The marriage was only sanctioned by the......