4 OCTOBER 1902, page 9

Scoitish History Society Publications.

Papal Negotiations with Mary Queen of Scots during her Reign in Scotland, 1561 - 1567. Edited by John Hungerford Pollen, Si. — . The Cromwellian Union : Papers Relating to the......

An English Translation Of Chateaubriand's "mgmoires...

The Memoirs of Francois Rene, Vicomte de Chatectubriatui, some- time Ambassador to England. Being a Translation, by Alexander Teixeira de Mattes, of the " Memoires......

Studies In Irish History And Biography.

Studies in. Irish History and Biography. By C. Litton Falkiner. S4ligniansmaid Co. 12s. 6d.)—Although Mr. Falkiner does not, la- sicaling with those questions of Irish politics......

Human Nature A Revelation Of The Divine.

Human Nature a Revelation of the Divine. By Charles Henry' Robinson, M.A., Canon Missioner of Ripon. (Longreans and Co. 6s.)—The Canon Missioner of Ripon is a distinctly......