4 OCTOBER 1902, page 12

Broadland Sport.

Broadland Sport. Written and Illustrated by Nicholas Everitt. (R. A. Everett and Co. 12s. 6d.)—Mr. Everitt's book contains a great deal of information on the sport to be got......

The Fight With Malaria.

Malarial Fever : its Cause, Prevention, and Treatment. By Ronald Ross. (Longmans and Co. 2s. 6d.)—In this excellent little book, which is the first Memoir published by the......

Across Many Seas.

Across Many Seas. By Alfred Kinnear. (Simpkin and Marshall. 6s.)—This is a book of stirring incident, worthy of a place by the bedside of a boy, to be taken up and devoured by......

Charles Dickens.

Charles Dickens : his Life, Writings, and Personality. By Frederic A. Kitten. (T. C. and E. C. Jack. • much has been written about Charles Dickens that it might well have seemed......

Progress Of Canada In The Centijey.

. Progress of Canada in the Century. By J. Casten Hopkins. • (W. and R. Chambers. 6s.)—Of the three parts into which Mr. Hopkins has divided his review of Canadian history, we......

The Lower South In American History.

The Lower South in American History. By W. Garrott Brown. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.)—We have read this lecture on "The Lower South" with considerable pleasure and interest. The......