4 OCTOBER 1902, page 19

One Other Point May Be Noted In Sir Michael Hicks

Beach's speech,—i.e., the passage in which he dealt with the question of what proportion of the cost of the war should be imposed on the new Colonies. "We had got to set the......

Lord Kitchener, Speaking At The Cutlers' Feast At...

Tuesday, made an excellent five-minutes speech on the war. As for the calumnious charges against the British troops, they had been repudiated, not only by the people of this......

The United States Department Of Agriculture, Acting Under...

of an Act of Congress, is about to conduct a most extraordinary experiment. This is nothing less than the opening of a scientific boarding-house, at which twelve normal......

We Are Delighted To See That The St. James's Gazette

of Thursday in a most ably written leader deals strongly, but by no means too strongly, with the monstrous exclusion of a soldier of the Grenadier Guards in uniform, and merely......

We Have Dealt Elsewhere With That Portion Of Sir ?echo!

Hicks Beach's speech made at Bristol on Monday which was con- cerned with the War Office, and will only say here that, consider- ing its source, it demands the most serious......

The Times Of Monday Notices A Very Interesting Dutch...

on the lessons of the war lately published by Captain Ram, one of the Dutch Military Attaches who accompanied General Botha's army. The pamphlet is in the main an answer to the......

The Controversy In Regard To The Education Bill Continues As

actively as ever, but we doubt whether, outside educational and strongly political circles, the nation is as deeply moved on either side as is asserted. There have been rumours......

Considerable Amusement Has Been Caused By The Letter...

an "American Mother" to the Times on the subject of undergraduates' rooms at Oxford. A casual visit in the vacation revealed such squalor that the American mother is seriously......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (2!) were on Friday 93.......