Roses for English Gardens. By Gertrude Jekyll and E. MawleY. (The Country Life Library. 12s. 6d. net.)—It is perhaps churlish to complain of having too much of a good thing, but the illustrations in Miss Jekyll and Mr. Mawley's rose-book are so numerous as to be quite distracting. The intelligent reader turns, for instance, to the chapter on " Rose Pillars," and thinks to imbibe all Miss Jekyll's wisdom on this subject,—for, like Professor Jowett, what she does not know "isn't knowledge." Hardly has one half-page been read when in the very middle of a sentence come ten pages of illustrations in a row, and the true gardener cries with Prince Hal, "But a ha'porth of bread to all this intolerable quantity of sack !" Who can carry the thread of a discourse through ten pages of rapid skipping? Opinions, of course, differ as to the beauty of roses as subjects for black-and-white illustration, but at any rate these pictures give the reader the opportunity of seeing what the queen of flowers would be without her colour and without her scent. To a patient person, who is net too greatly aggravated by the illustration-skipping process, the book will be good reading. Miss Jekyll for sixteen chapters treats her subject in the "literary-garden" style, while Mr.' Mawley in the remain- ing seven chapters gives excellent hints on the technique of rose- growing, especially with regard to exhibiting.