Thew EDITIONS AND REPRINT8.—Ayi Exact List of the Lords. (Elliot
Stock, 5s.)—This is an exact reprint of a volume published in 1784. It gives in the order of precedence (except so far as the Spiritual Lords are concerned) a list of the Peers of Parliament. Under each rank there are two classes, according as the creation was before or after the Revolution of 1688, and to each name the town address is appended. The book, therefore, is a Parlia- mentary Directory (there is a list of the House of Commons added, with the constituency which they represented, and their addresses). It is, in fact, more of a Parliamentary Directory than of a Peerage. We see that there were seven pre-Revolution Dukes ; all these, except Cleveland, are still in existence. Of the post-Revolution Dukes, twenty-two in number, twelve are extinct. Nearly two hundred Members of Parliament were neW to the House.—In the "Temple Fielding" (J. M. Dent and Co.) we have Tom Jones, 4 vols. (6s. net), and Amelia, 8 vole. (4s. 6d. net).—Religio Medici, by Sir Thomas Browne, appears in the" Bibelots Series, edited by J. Potter Briscoe (Gay and Bird, ls.)—In the "World's Classics" (Grant Richards, 1s. net), Carlyle's Bartor Besartus.—A Child's Book of Saints. By William Canton. (J. M. Dent and Co.)—David Hamra. By Edward Noyes Westcott. (C. Arthur Pearson. 7s. 6d.)— This is an illustrated edition, and it has a brief memoir of the author. The book stands, it may be said, by itself in literature. C. N. Westcott was born in 1816, and be was in his forty-eighth year when he began this story,—he had been compelled by failing health to retire from business. He gave a year and a half to the work, but there were intervals of constrained idleness caused by disease. Close upon half a million copies were sold in the year following publication, but the author had passed away before. "Many of the disap- pointments of life, if not the greater part, come because events are unpunctual. They have a way of arriving sometimes too early, or worse, too late"; so wrote the author in the last chapter of his story.—Coutts and Co., Bankers, Edinburgh and London. By Ralph Richardson. (Elliot Stock. 3s. 6d.)