5 DECEMBER 1903, Page 38


[Under this heading we notice ouch Books of the week as Imes not been reserved for review in ether form.] Slipper's A.B.C. of Fox - Hunting. By E. (E. Somerville, M.P.H. (Longmans and Co. 10s. 6d.)—Slipper's A.B.C. of For-Hunting is a large flat quarto volume of exceedingly strong and clever sketches of hunting adventure by that past.. mistress of Irish humour, Miss E. CR. Somerville, joint-author of the immortal "Reminiscences of an Irish R.IEL," and of "An on the Irish Shore." Lovers of Miss Somerville's inimitable gift will be delighted to find that she is as original, as free, and as full of fun and fancy with her pencil and brush as with her pen. Her pictures, like her writing—or rather her writing in collaboration —have the golden gift of "go" and of happy, easy, irresponsible movement. In all the scenes depicted, horse, man, and hound, boy and cur of low degree, are throwing themselves with infinite gusto into life's handicap. ydrra The rush of existence and of headlong open-air happiness is as catching as it is attractive. A better Christmas gift for those who love humour and sport we cannot imagine. Let us hope that next year "Slipper's Annual" will replace the A.B.C., and then be continued from year to year.