The Church And The Question Of The Hour.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."" SIR,—Your appeal to the clergy of the Church of England on "the question of the hour" (Spectator, November 21st) seems to me weak, because I......
Mr. Gladstone's Diction. [to The Editor Of Thr " Spectator."
J should think that your correspondent "F. B. E.," in the Spectator of November 21st, would find the phrase "bag and baggage" even earlier than the time of" Tristram Shandy."......
Macedonia: Words From An Eye-witness. [to The Editor Op The
"sewn:roe:] STR,—I returned on Tuesday, November 17th, from Macedonia, and perhaps the conclusions of a mere traveller may be of some service to your readers. The Christian......
The Case Of Abraham Esau.
[To TRY EDITOR OD THE `• SPECTATOR...] SIR,—In common with all who care that Britain's name for justice to the heroic memory of a loyal black man in South Africa should not be......
[to The Editor Of The ..srectitori.1 Sin,—mr. Lionel...
in the Spectator of November 21st respecting Mr. Gladstone's voice reminds me of thirty - five years ago. The following is copied from my diary of January 14th, 1868 :— " On......