5 DECEMBER 1903, page 14
The Struggle For Sea Power. By B. Synge. (w. Blackwood
and Sons. is. 9d.)—This is the fourth part of an excellent series entitled "The Story of the World," and intended for the" Children of the British Empire." It takes in some......
The Sea Shore. By W. S. Furneaux. (longmans And Co.
6s. net.) —Mr. Furneaux deals with his subject in a businesslike manner. After some preliminary remarks on the field of operations, he proceeds to describe the methods which the......
Religion In Homespun. By F. B. Meyer, B.a. (isbister And
Co. 3s. 6d.)—Mr. Meyer deals with many matters of daily life,— the care of children, duty to servants, Sunday observance, trade morals, personal habits, and so forth. He is......