Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Addressed A Meeting Convened...
Liberal Association at Newport on Monday. After declaring that what was wanted above all was a clear exposition of the actual policy of the Government, and that a speedy appeal......
Sir Arthur Lawley, The Lieutenant-governor Of The Trans-...
a speech at Johannesburg on Monday which should have a good effect in allaying the uneasiness which is felt both in this country and in South Africa about Transvaal affairs. He......
The Minority Report Of The Transvaal Labour • Commission Was
published on the 27th ult., and was summarised in last Saturday's papers. The findings are as follows :—(1) There is sufficient labour in Central and Southern Africa for present......
We Have Dealt At Length Elsewhere With Mr. Balfour's...
apology for the want of preparation for the war. We may say here, however, that though we have a certain sympathy with what Mr. Balfour has to say as to the military......
The Foreign Office Has Forwarded To The Committee Of The
Macedonian Relief Fund a despatch, with a covering letter from the British Ambassador at Constantinople, from Mr. R. W. Graves, the Consul-General at Salonica. The despatch,......
Sir Mortimer Durand, Our New Ambassador At Washington,...
introduced by Mr. John Hay on Wednesday to President Roosevelt. Sir Mortimer Durand in the course of his address mentioned that the King bad directed him to assure the President......
At The Annual Dinner Of The United Club On Friday,
November 27th, Mr. Balfour made a speech from which the fiscal controversy was entirely banished. Instead, Mr. Balfour dealt with the problem of Army reform. The main point of......
This Plea For More White Labour Is Most Important. We
cannot believe that in the end white labour will prove dear labour in South Africa any more than in other temperate Colonies. Meantime we note that the Chinese Government has......