5 DECEMBER 1903, page 39
Sea - Wrack. By F. T. Bullen. (smith, Elder, And Co....
collection of papers is characteristic of Mr. Eullen's best work. There are some very vigorous descriptions of various things in the natural history of the sea. ; one of them,......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice ouch Books of the week as Imes not been reserved for review in ether form.] Slipper's A.B.C. of Fox - Hunting. By E. (E. Somerville, M.P.H.......
Naw Enrrione. — Reminiscences. By If. Betham - Edwards....
'Chaplet of Lore - Poems. By Ethel M. de Fonblanque (Mrs. A. Harter). (J. and E. Bumpus.) — Old Falmouth. By S. E. Gay. (Headley Brothers. 7s. 6d. net.)......
Rambles In. Arcadia. By Arthur Grant. (a. And C. Black.
3s. 6d. net.)—We are glad to see these essays, which were first given to the world in periodicals of repute, now republished in a more permanent shape. " Arcadia " is really......