5 DECEMBER 1903, page 31


ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER BENSON ETONA DISCEDENTI. FareNn, "he shall reign who wonders," is it so P Then you have made us kings, who thrilled to hear Your golden legends, as you......


FANNY B1JRNEY.* THE author of Evelina has, ever since the publication of her first book, enjoyed a reputation not wholly justified by her literary merit. She is of those who......

Farm Labourers' Wages Under Protection.

rTO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR."J Sra,—When a boy, living on the borders of Shropshire and Montgomeryshire, I was well acquainted with a man who had for several years worked......

Protection And Corruption.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In the Spectator of November 28th you complimented me by noticing and amplifying an article I had contributed to the Daily Chronicle......