5 DECEMBER 1903, page 38

Up Side Streets. By W. Pett Ridge. (hodder And Stoughton.

5s.)--Mr. Pett Ridge will not think it a disparagement when we say that these very amusing sketches remind as of Mr. Anstey's " Voces Popnli." There is no imitation; the form......

We Cannot Speak Too Highly Of A Collection Of Short

stories, The Little People, by L. Allen Harker (John Lane, 5s.) If we had to make a choice, we should put at the head "Williams," where tho deaf old gardener, apparently at......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice ouch Books of the week as Imes not been reserved for review in ether form.] Slipper's A.B.C. of Fox - Hunting. By E. (E. Somerville, M.P.H.......


ODD CRAFT.* WHILE the majority of his contemporaries, either out of defer- ence to a perverse fashion or through indulgence in a natural bent, consecrate their talents to the......

The Magazines.

PERHAPS the most significant feature in the new Nineteenth Century is the conspicuous absence of all articles on the fiscal controversy, and no doubt many readers will welcome......

Dr. Lavender's People. By Margaret Deland. (harper And...

is difficult to decide which is the most charming among these charming stories. The scene of them all is laid in Old Chester in New England. Dr. Lavender is the minister and......

Petronilla Heroven.- By U. L. Silberrad. Constable And...

is a very interesting person indeed, though the admiration with which we regard her is mingled with a certain incredulity. And she is supported as a protagonist in Miss......