News of the Week The Imperial Press Conference T ALE Imperial
Press Conference, larger than ever, is meeting in London. The opening session was on Tuesday and on the same day-a -luncheon, at which the principal speakers were the _Speaker and Mr. Snowden, was given to the delegates in Westminster Hall by the Empire - Parliamentary Association. The ' Conference has been described• with sufficient accuracy as a Parliament of the Press. The last tune the Conference was held in Great Britain was in 1909, and that was the occasion of its first meeting. The Empire Press Union, which organizes the Conference, was then founded. The Union thus celebrates its twenty-first birthday this year. The delegates te the Conference will make a tour, lasting from June 10th to 14th, of some of the English counties and will see England at both work and play. Mr. Lloyd George will address the Conference on "The Empire After the War," and Mr. Baldwin on "England After the - • ;