7 JUNE 1930, page 23

Crusades And Jihads

The Crusades : Iron Men and Saints. By Harold Lamb. (Thornton Butterworth. 10s. 6d.) WHAT has Muhammad II to do with the Crusades ? We find him at the frontispiece of Dr. Lamb's......

A Tale Of Babylon

The Uncelestial City. By Humbert Wolfe. (Gollancz. 7s. 6d.) Tim fact that Mr. Humbert Wolfe arouses both aversions and enthusiasms shows that at least there is something in his......


Sounding Harps and Tinkling Cymbals April Fools. Compton Mackenzie. (Cassell. 7s. ed.) Tan modem novelist's pursuit of the fluid, elusive quality in life entices him frequently......