7 JUNE 1930, page 36

Larger Life Bonuses.

The Guardian Assurance, besides declaring higher bonuses in its Life Department this year, has taken two very important steps in the direction of greater generosity to its......

Answers To' Questions On The Kings And Queens Of England

(since the Conquest) 1. William IL-2. George II.-3. Henry VI.-4. To spend an hour alone.-5. Henry L-6. Charles II.-7. Henry VII. 8. Queen Anne.-9. James I.-10. Long shoes which......

John Lewis.

Although the annual report of John Lewis and Co. had con- tained a most exhaustive review of the work and results - of the year covered by the accounts; Mr. J. Spedan Lewis was......

Amalgamated Press.

A strong position and a record of excellent progress were the chief points emphasized by Lord Camrose, chairman of the Amalgamated Press, at the meeting of that company_ last......