7 JUNE 1930, page 14

Country Life •

flora IN &mem Many critics have noted that the depression in farming teems to have enhanced the excellence of agricultural shows. The point might be made this year, for the......

A South Devon Triumph.

An exceptionally good example of the skill of our breeders was to be seen in the judging rings of the show of the admirable Bath and West Society, held at Torquay. It is a show......

A Fruit-growers' Protest.

Crops of gooseberries and currants are likely to be immense. For myself, I never saw gooseberry bushes so laden as on one or two of the Worcestershire farms which I visited last......

This Is One Chance Example Out Of Numbers That Might

be quoted. The blacksmiths, I suppose, lead the way ; and they make things of use on thefarm as well of beauty in the garden. One village craftsman, for example, exhibited the......

Some Years Ago This Market Closed. Rabelaisian Joints...

wanted ; and the value of the South Devon monsters went downhill at a lamentable speed. Classes vanished even at shows. What was to be done ? To give up so fine a breed was......

Farmers, Especially British Farmers, Reckon In General To...

the swings what they lose on the roundabouts. Their activities are various ; and on the whole (in spite of very obvious exceptions) they show adaptability and, as with the best......

African Flowers.

Africa has made many invaluable presents to English gardens such as nemesia, most jewel-like of all half-hardy annuals, or—to take the strangest botanically—the primuline......

Village Craftsmen.

It was pleasant to learn at one of these shows that exhibits there have proved singularly effective in promoting village industries, not of one sort but of many. The Englishman......