7 JUNE 1930, page 3

The Derby On Wednesday The Derby Was Won, In Pleasant

weather and on ground in excellent condition, by the Aga Khan's Blenheim. This horse was the owner's second string, and the odds against him were 18 to 1. Mr. Tattersall's Iliad......

Empire Trade The Report Of The Empire Marketing Board For

the year May, 1929, to May, 1930, which was issued on Monday, comes at an opportune moment, when the Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire are meeting in London. It is......

The National Mark In Birmingham On Friday, May 80th, The

Birmingham meat whole- salers announced their intention to boycott the National Mark scheme. The Minister for Agriculture asked for an opportunity to discuss the decision, but......

The Honours List The Birthday Honours List Is As Near

to what an Honours List ought to be as any we have yet had. There are three new 0.M.s and three new Peers. Throughout the list there is some intelligible reason why the honour......

The Mandates Commission The Main Subject Of Discussion In...

Mandates Com- mission now meeting in Geneva is the Report of the Shaw Committee on the Palestine disturbances (published as a White Paper last week) together with the Annual......

Bank Rate, 8 Per Cent., Changed From 8} Per Cent.

on May 1st, 1930. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 102; on Wednesday week, 102; a year ago, 101}; Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 891; on Wednesday week, 901;......

Indian Articles We Publish This Week A Brilliantly...

by Dr. Rabindranath Tagore, who defines the funda- mental issue of the Indian problem as one of moral strength or the mechanics of power. It is evident from his article, in......

Railways In London We Were Very Glad To See In

the Times of Tuesday a letter from Mr. Alfred C. Bossom, the well-known architect, suggesting a solution of no fewer than three pressing problems. To electrify all the railways......