7 JUNE 1930, Page 3

The Honours List The Birthday Honours List is as near

to what an Honours List ought to be as any we have yet had. There are three new 0.M.s and three new Peers. Throughout the list there is some intelligible reason why the honour should have been• conferred. Professor S. Alexander, appointed to the Order of Merit, was for many years Professor of Philosophy at Manchester and is now Honorary Professor. He is the author of Moral Order and Progress and Space, Time and Deity, and is unquestionably one of the most original of English thinkers. Dr. M. R. James, the Provost of Eton, who also becomes an 0.M., is a great mediaeval historian, and Professor G. M. Trevelyan—the third new 0.M.—is Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, famous as a biographer and as the author of the most popular History of England written in our time. The new Peers are Mr. Noel Buxton, Mr. H. S. Furniss—that remarkable man who, though blind from birth, has had a distinguished career as an economist and was Principal of Ruskin College, Oxford, from 1916 to 1925—and Sir Esme Howard, whose very successful Ambassadorship in Washington recently came to an end. Among the new Knights we notice the names of Professor A. S. Eddington, Plumian Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge, who has written profoundly on the Einstein theory, and of Mr. H. A. Lytton, the accomplished actor in Gilbert and Sullivan opera. Miss Amy Johnson becomes a C.B.E.