7 JUNE 1930, page 2

The Indian Tangle The Government Of India Does Well To

circulate a weekly 'appreciation of the situation. In that published on Monday there is a clear analysis of the locall disorders, and it is pointed out that those at Dacca,......

Much Criticism Of The Maintenance Grants Followed From...

some of whom complained of the means test and some of whom condemned any kind of maintenance grant on the ground that parents should not be paid for obeying the law. Personally,......

The Traditional And Discredited Doctrine Of "peace...

"dies bard. Last Sunday a chain of Canadian newspapers published an " interview " with Mr. W. Randolph Hearst in which he re-stated his opposition to the League of Nations and......

On Thursday, May 29th, The Federation Of Indian Chambers Of

Commerce and Industry demanded a prompt and plain statement of the terms of reference for the Round Table Conference. They added bitterly, "The one man who can deliver the goods......

The Unionist Central Office Mr. J. C. C. Davidson Has

resigned the Chairmanship of the Unionist Party. The correspondence between him and Mr. Baldwin shows that the whole work of the Central Office and the duties of the Chairman......

Ministerial Posts In The House Of Commons On Tuesday The

Prime Minister announced that Mr. J. H. Thomas has become Secretary of State for the Dominions. Hitherto it has been convenient for the two cognate Secretaryships of State, that......

The Union Of Europe The Conclusions Of The Special Committee

appointed by the League of Nations Union confirm and illustrate what we wrote in our issue of May 24th about M. Briand's project for a European Federal Union. The danger of the......

The Coal Bill.

In the House of Commons on Wednesday the Government successfully resisted all the serious amendments of the Lords to the Coal Bill and even restored the district levy. The......