7 JUNE 1930, page 18

Anglo-russian Relations

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sra,—My attention has been drawn to a book entitled Humanity Uprooted, by Mr. Maurice Hindus, an American citizen of Russian birth and......

A Hundred Years Ago

The total number per diem of the daily journals printed in Paris exceeds 60,000. - The number per diem of- all the journals printed in the same city during the - month of April......

As The Train Passed

As the train passed I had a glimpse of the forest glade, And there, clear-glassed In still water, stood a Sonthal maid. Small-breasted, naked she stood, and black In the lustful......

Points From Letters

GREAT CANFIELD CHURCH. The sparsely populated parish of Great Canfield near Dunmow has a small but very beautiful Norman Church, well known to archaeologists for its chancel......

The Export Of Horses

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR] Snt,—I admire very much your splendid work on behalf of animals, and have been wondering when a Bill is going to be pissed putting an end to the......

Justice To Animals By Education [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Many soeieties in England are working for the suppres- sion of cruelty to animals. Time and money are expended in efforts to secure better treatment for the......

"looking Forward"

[To the Editor of the SPEcrAron.] SIR,—Miss Evelyn Underhill concludes her review, " Looking Forward," of Dr. Sheppard's book with these words : - When the first Bishops of the......