7 JUNE 1930, Page 18



The sparsely populated parish of Great Canfield near Dunmow has a small but very beautiful Norman Church, well known to archaeologists for its chancel arch, its south door and, above all, its unique twelfth-century painting of the Virgin and Child above the altar. The fabric has been carefully tended till our own day, for Essex farmers and labourers are proud of their churches. • But -even the stoutest mediaeval buildings will not last for ever .without repair, and- now, coincident with the worst depression that our farmers can remember, the roof of the nave is found to be in a perilous condition. We are faced with the urgent need of restoring the roof at an estimated cost of about £400. As the total population of this rural parish does not exceed 250, most of them poor, the task before us is formidable and, indeed, virtually impos- sible without outside help. May I venture, then, through your pages, to ask kindly readers who are interested in pre- serving our ancient churches to subscribe sums, however small, to our restoration fund ? Subscriptions may be sent to H. G. MARYON WILSON, People's Warden, Great Canfield, Essex,