7 JUNE 1930, Page 18



SIR,—Many soeieties in England are working for the suppres- sion of cruelty to animals. Time and money are expended in efforts to secure better treatment for the Countlesi animals whom We exploit' for our use. Yet in spite of these energies, little appreciable progress has been Made.

There exists one real remedy—namely, the education of a

future generation to a better sense of man's moral respOn- sibility tower-di the Lower Aniinals. - Prejudice, ignorance, indifference, and vested interest contribute largely to the sum of animal suffering, and the' aim of "The Council of Justice to Animals and Humane Slaughter Association" is to guide the young to an understanding Of these matter's.

Those who are interested - in "Animal Welfare" will find the objects of a scheme clearly outlined in a bOoklet entitled "The Animal Lovers' Competition," which is on sale at most bookstalls, the proceeds of which go to support a big educa- tional campaign which the Association is instituting to teach children the 'spirit' of compassion towards the dumb animal world, over 'whom we have spread our dominion.—! am, Hon. Secretary, _ _

The Oilmen of-Justice to Animals and Humane- Slaughter -Association; 95 Harley Street, W. I.